What is Hyperautomation?

3 min readSep 6, 2020

The latest research from Gartner explores the firm’s 10 strategic technology trends for 2020. At the top of the list? Hyperautomation.

Like the name suggests, hyperautomation goes beyond your typical automation strategy. Gartner defines it as “the combination of multiple machine learning (ML), packaged software and automation tools to deliver work.”

Let’s explore what makes hyperautomation unique, and also how it’s likely to become increasingly valuable in today’s evolving business climate.

Hyperautomation goes beyond automating tasks.

Hyperautomation isn’t simply replicating how tasks are completed with robotic process automation (RPA). RPA was merely the first step in the evolution of this type of technology. A key attribute of hyperautomation is its ability to loop humans into the process.

Businesses can then access collaborative intelligence , as Accenture calls it. With technology and humans working not just side by side but together, employees can begin to train automation tools and other software and, through machine learning, get to a state of AI-enabled decision-making. With hyperautomation, companies can begin to reimagine work typically done by employees with technology.

It’s about seamless interoperability. Integration is table stakes.

There’s two points to be made here. First, there’s a massive difference between integrating and integrating well. Not only do automation tools need to fit seamlessly into a company’s existing tech stack, but they need to do so without requiring too much heavy lifting from IT. A platform must be able to plug and play into a wide variety of other tools in order to achieve hyperautomation.

A second, related attribute for hyperautomation is the interoperability of automation tools. In order to achieve scale, businesses must be able to develop a platform that integrates many different best-of-breed tools together. The lines between vendors are already blurred, and the businesses that will win in hyperautomation will successfully integrate tools to cover the spectrum of automation itself (discover, analyze, design, automate, measure, monitor and reassess).

Types of automation that comprise hyperautomation

An important component of hyperautomation is its ability to create a confluence of multiple forms of automation, all of which supplement each other seamlessly for maximum value. Here are a few forms of automation that may make up a company’s hyperautomation strategy.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) — RPA is a form of process automation solution that enables business users within your workforce to automate a task based on a series of actions normally completed by humans.

Intelligent Business Management — This type of automation goes beyond the scope of RPA, and rather than focus on automating a single task, comprises a complete set of tasks involved in an end-to-end workflow.

Artificial intelligence — AI represents the series of intelligent processes available in a company’s tech stack, including machine learning (ML), which enables software to identify data patterns, natural language processing (NLP), and intelligent optical character recognition (OCR).

Advanced analytics — Examining data using techniques and tools to gauge deeper insights into a business’ processes, forecast business outcomes, and generate recommendations around decision-making to realize maximum value and ROI.

Benefits of hyperautomation

Current automation tools aim to alleviate employees from mundane, time-consuming tasks that don’t positively contribute to their experience or make the best use of their time.

Workforce enablement: Harnessed with the power of hyperautomation solutions, employees are able to automate the many processes within their role, and get more done, faster, with the resources available to them. Minimizing manual tasks enables them to focus on more impactful work, like planning and strategy.

Employee upskilling: With automation no longer reliant solely on IT, any business user can become an automation leader within their own department, benefiting both tech- and non tech-minded employees.

Systems integration: With hyperautomation, a company’s clunky on-prem technology and disparate data systems can communicate seamlessly with the power of integrations.

Digital agility: With all forms of automation working closely together, your company can move past the one-off benefits of a single technology to a state of true digital agility and flexibility at scale.

ROI: Using key analytics, businesses can track the exact ROI realized based on the processes automated, departments optimized, and time and money saved on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

Learn more

Where does your organization stand in terms of hyperautomation readiness? Read more about the digital innovation journey in our white paper here.

Originally published at https://www.catalytic.com.

